Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part B

These reading notes are over Part B of Narayan's Mahabharata , which is written by R.K. Narayan. Plot Notes: Part A contextualized the various characters and the began rivalry between Duryodhana and the Pandavas. Part B progressed the plot significantly and highlighted specific weaknesses with characters, especially with Yudhishtra. Yudhishtra's addiction to gambling and his willingness to lose everything in both games highlighted how clever and manipulative Duryodhana truly was. Many details established in Part A come full circle in Part B, and smaller side plots hold great significance in justifying character motivations or general world-building. One of the major examples of this was Drona's rivalry with Drupada. While the Pandavas assisted in attacking Drupada's kingdom, they are now allies through their marriage with Draupadi. As a result, Duryodhana used these details to advocate to attack the Pandavas and preserve their own kingdom. I had forgotten about these ...